Friday, December 19, 2008

Decorations, Love, and Guitars

We decorated our Christmas tree tonight. It's kind of neat. This year rather than put up all the decorations we've been putting up forever, we decided to have a theme tree with blue and white glass balls and plastic icicles and snow flakes. To top it off we have an LCD lit star that flashes blue and white and of course the usual multi-colored lights we put up every year. It's so pretty. I'm so happy to be home.

A friend today asked me what love was. I told her my definition but realized later that really I have no idea. LOL my definition is when you care more about someone else's happiness more than your own. I guess I could sort of understand that. I think I've decided that love is one of those things that Heavenly Father gives us that just doesn't have a definition. Sort of like the sound of moving water, the taste of your favorite meal, or the way happiness feels. There isn't one definition that fits for every person. It made me smile.

I'm learning to play guitar. I'm so excited. Another friend asked me why and I told him I wanted to be able to be my own accompanist. I can't wait to be able to play well enough to play while I sing. We'll see. Now I'm just working on getting my own good guitar. I have friends both here and in Idaho who've offered to help me find a good deal on a good guitar. We'll see what happens but I'm very very excited.

Now I'm watching Terminal with my wonderful family and then I'll be off to bed so i can get some sleep before the party tomorrow.

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