Monday, November 24, 2008

Roommates are amazing things.

Jaelyn is amazing. She's the first girlfriend I've had in a really long time. We laugh so much together and have decided that we'll be at each other's weddings one day. We have inside jokes and we just love hanging out. It's really neat to have a friend like that. She's becoming a lot like another sister to me. If she ever reads my blog I'd just like her to know how very grateful I am that we met our first semester. She is fast becoming one of my best friends.


Kathy said...

Friends do make the world go 'round.

rachel said...

Treasure her! I still have my first college girlfriend and we are still so close. These are friends for life you're making.

Margaret said...

I didn't know you had a blog! I'm happy to have found you!☺